Tuesday, November 2, 2010

30.10.10: TUODRP-II

i attended TUODRP at Disted on 30.10.10
This round, my superior and one of my new colleague from Butterworth join too
i gain some new experience and knowledge on the role playing part
i think i am quite cognitive person, always love to think a lot
role playing allowed me to stay connected with creative imagination in contact with my own personal unconscious and look at my shadow side.
sometimes,  i am wonder, what archetype i am presenting?

the sharing of Healer VS Wounder is new concept to me
but it is quite similar with transference -and -counter-transference of own value impose to client
counsellor or therapist should work as catalyst and work towards therapeutic goals
this is kind of interesting to me
but HOW? how to do so? i wonder

Alex said i had expended my creativity mind
am i? am i still tangible and static
can i remove myself from that be more flexible?
i guess i am expanding
the "Letting Go" and "follow the flow"

previously, i can't really pretend
i have self belief - pretend is hypocrite
i do not want myself to be hypocrite person
when i asked myself on WHAT MIGHT THAT BE ABOUT
then, i got my own answer,

i am trying to learn - imposed new value, remove old stigma
role playing is not hypocrite 
it is about having fun and experiencing different character
from here, i can let go myself better

hopefully, i can bring the role-playing into my work
and benefit with the community i am serving


  1. The therapeutic use of self is an intentional or conscious use of self in the same manner of using the self as a catalyst in the service of growth and transformation of the client and therapist. To suggest that we are 'object'-ive denies the I-Thou relationship and moves it into the I-It relationship as indicated by Martin Buber in the existential frame. It is in the "Being" and not the "Becoming" thus not so much in the act to become but in the spirit of accepting grace of one isness. ..... as you put it 'let it be' 'release the grasp'
    When you cannot 'pretend' you cannot 'fly' .......to be truly authentic in experiencing the 'Self' one may need to awake to the fact that the 'self' that is so 'precious' is an illusion that the ego has imprisoned us by cultivating unquestionable beliefs that crumbles when we start to see beyond its surface. A fool is a wise man when he knows he is only pretending to be a fool whereas a wise man is fool when truly believes he is a wise man.

  2. It is in the "Being" and not the "Becoming".....i still digest it, to "being"
