Saturday, July 17, 2010

12.7.10: audio making on the script

i have a deep feeling on the scene
which Tanya cry so hardly,sobing and keep repeating sorry

when i am role playing as Tanya
then, my mind alwayz flash back to the youngster
especially the female young client that i encounter

WHY there must be regretful when doing the wrong thing?

it's make me feel so sad

TQ melinda and the ALS members contribution on this making
we r making a new journey, and create a new miracle

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I would certainly find Tanya real with flesh and soul when you gives her voice, makes her alive before our eyes. Throughout the story, you are deeply immersed in the narration, as if, her feelings your feelings, her concern becomes your concern, and her transformation becomes yours. This is itself therapeutic.
    This holds true for events or people in the outside world, they resonate within ourselves our own issues or concerns, and help us to keep in touch with our unconscious 'self'. It is then no longer the female client you feel sorry for, it is an inner reality of self that you encounter. At the end of the day, the client is sent to be our helper too, and we are really helping ourselves in so called 'helping' them! My experience teaches me to 'take off the shoes' before my client for the ground on which we are standing is really sacred!
