Thursday, May 27, 2010

1st session: Crest Maiden in DRP World

i am confuse, as i am not sure shall i go back to the picture as Alex mentioned or used the DRP World which the character i had created.

Melinda and Mary was ontime. others, still having be there. so 3 of us start conversation discuss a little bit via conference call of what to do. Cheng joint in few minutes then. we decided to used the scenario given and start to role play

we decided to do some trial and warm up, as melinda and mary feeling unwell...
actually i am feeling unwell too, as i m having too much workload, near to burn out by heavy workload. then just back from camp, it's a goverment training course on Kursus Kenegaraan. back on desk, internal audit were audit my unit fail and record......rushing

OK, back to the story here...

actually i felt strange. the feelings is like i am talking alone, thinking and acting alone. as i can't see them, i try to imagine in my "magic space- my little bautiful mind' of the scenario given, i even download the picture by ALS memebrs of their character, and start to imagine where we are.

I am somehow confuse when melinda asked a lot questions without directing to whom. but finally i know she is mentioned to someone who is short hair with pants. hehe... it's really a good trial

Scene become hot, as seok binn- the sky saver and then elaine joint in. we are stop at focused the story on the flute that is so special.

time shows 9.15 pm, i decided to drop off the line and asked all the ALS members to deroll themselves and chat via conference audio call.
we reflect about some feelings, but due to line distraction, we stop. we manage to come out with 2nd time online Drama Role Playing which is fixed on next Monday 31, May 2010. Time : 8.30pm-9.30pm. on air.

and suprisingly, there are 7 of us in this mission of journey.
my favourite number :)

1 comment:

  1. The Seven Samurai (1954) Director - Akira Kurosawa; The Magnificient Seven (1960) Director - John Sturges; well for movie buffs. Will be sending you some help in form of tips and guidelines.
