i had sign up the memebrship in imaginary realm of Drpworld.... i have no idea what's this is. after i sign up, there is feedback from the User Gateway
The admin has not yet approved your membership. You will receive an email when they do so. Thank you for your patience.
while, i guess what i need to do is wait Alex to confirm my membership :)
o maybe just like what alex mentioned in the mail. To be able to facilitate the children effectively in engaging them in therapeutic process of imaginative role playing, the therapists themselves need to experience their own process to be able to appreciate them first hand.
i need to allowed my own inner ‘child’ come out to play once, by the imaginative and fantasy...... where i will be going to creat a fantasy character for myself as I AM travel into the magical mythic world
i really feel excited, at the same time, i am feeling anxious, the unknown make me curious of what am i going to faced. It's just like reading "no words Book", all goes with feeling. there is no written rules and regulation what u need to do, which law should u follow, etc.
right now, in my mind, i am thinking, WHAT KIND of an a fantasy world as i going to meet, as i am engaging with other characters. I asked, WHAT is the challenges i am going to meet? please dun asked me to killed mytic dragon, rescue princess,..... OMG...
inside my liitle heart, i think how will ALEX sifu going to guide us to perform the tasks ya???
and the most importantly, HOW does it work?
it's look like the website pages for inline game....??
what is inside this imaginary realm of Drpworld ??
i wonder
This is an inner journey as well as an outer journey, for some it may feel safer to stay outside, see it as a game, have fun etc for the more adventurous, curious, brave or maybe even 'foolish' wanting to embark on the inner journey, you will go through the landscape to the unknown, the dark, the unconscious recesses of the mind. You may meet dragons, princess, heroes, witches, wise old woman etc etc on the way, some you may kill, you may even have to die, etc Still want to travel......can cancel your tour and get a refund. Where you go...is all your creation, distinguish between dramatic reality and ordinary reality, I know sometimes, the dramatic reality can feel so real....