Thursday, May 13, 2010

Learning Task

Reminder from Alex about Learning Task: 

Learning Tasks
For your Personal Learning Journal
Refer to the intended learning outcomes in the module information at the url below (I have replicated them as well)  Bear this in mind over the next couple of weeks and stay focus during your reflections as you attempt to integrate your experience with the outcomes below. So start by reflecting on the skills workshop that you had just attended last Saturday.
  • Facilitate the role playing process for individuals/groups in bringing about the desired intended outcomes.
  • Observe, reflect, assess and evaluate role dynamics and the dramatic role playing process in identification and formulation of problem areas, needs as well as in  monitoring therapeutic progress and change
  • Utilise various therapeutic structures and techniques in dramatic role playing which is appropriate to the individual/group and relevant and its aims.

LEARNING REQUIRES YOUR PARTICIPATION - Pay regular visits to your group members Personal Learning Journals and offer your feedback comments on their entries - words of encouragement, reflective prompts, your own views/opinions, links to resources, questions,  etc. Without this kind of interaction there is no value to be gain from learning in a group.  You have to maintain regular entries in your Personal Learning Journal, learning requires risks in making your thoughts and feelings visible, such self disclosure and constructive feedback from colleagues are essential for ‘real’ learning. I suggest that as a guideline; make at least a minimum of an entry a week besides contributing to your members PLJ.
I encourage you in experimenting with embedding a variety of mutli-media add-ons in your blog, creativity includes finding new ways of playing, in this case, the digital environment, in expressing yourself. Many of your have shown evidence of that in your blogs, thus hopefully, this will be a source of inspiration for you and remember to learn from each other, this is after all your action learning set.
Role Playing Game (RPG)
To be able to facilitate the children effectively in engaging them in therapeutic process of imaginative role playing, the therapists themselves need to experience their own process to be able to appreciate them first hand. You need to allow yourself the permission to immerse your own inner ‘child’ playing in the imaginative realm of fantasy and make belief to gain an understanding of the inner workings of dramatic role playing. To this end, I have set up this component of the learning experience for the Action Learning Set where you will be creating a fantasy character for yourself as you travel into the magical mythic world of an a fantasy world as you engage other characters, meet challenges, and perform tasks etc. How does it work?
1.       First created a fantasy character for yourself and ‘become’ this character as you journey into the imaginary realm of Drpworld -  .  We are using a forum to support the role playing although we could have use Second Life but my concern is that the broadband might not  it and it is not asynchronous. I have already sent you an invite to this private forum set up for members only. To create an avatar to represent this fantasy character go to some of the links which will make the task easier. Just use screen print to capture the image you have created and a picture editor to edit it. Have fun!
2.       Once you have a character introduce yourself as that character at  Tips as you enter remember to create a ritual as you enter into the threshold of the virtual world. Perform a simple concrete action and use an object to associate the period you are online whilst in your fantasy role. Example: In my character role as Shape Shifter, I will make a conscious and intentional effort to put a marble (in RP fantasy, that’s my crystal oracle, which the Shape Shifter keeps in the pouch on her belt) in a container next to my computer during the period when I am engage in the virtual role playing. Once I have finished then I remove the marble and return it to the box marking my transition from dramatic reality back to ordinary reality. I am not longer the Shape Shifter, reminding myself that I am back as Alex and the dinner is burning!!! J  This helps to keep your boundary and your feet grounded, hopefully decreasing the possibility of potential internet addiction. It is wise to set a specific day or time which you put aside for this task.
3.       Role playing means you have to dialogue with other characters whilst in character. Use 1st person, present tense in your dialogue. And because you are dialoguing in text, you have to you use adjectives, adverbs to provide the visual details of the action and context. Example
Shape Shifter:  Who are you and what do you want?
Speaking at he top of his voice with a slight quiver as he quickly turn around looking into the darkness from where the sound and shadowy figure is emerging
Be clear who you are addressing your statement to because we cannot see the directionality of your eye gaze as we are relying on the text to be able to visualised the imagery in our heads. You can embed images, videos and links as well to support your role playing at Drpworld
4.       Use your Personal Learning Journal to document your learning and insights as you reflect your character, your character’s development and emerging story line. Developing an ‘aesthetic distance’ between ‘self’ and ‘self-in-role’ will be a helpful process.  Useful to see and refer to the character in ‘third person’ to maintain the benefit of externalisation. Also see the other fantasy characters in the same light and not as your colleagues as you know them in ordinary reality. Examples will be provided in the forum to get you started.
That’s enough for now. We will cover ground again during our online tutorial.
Best wishes

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