Wednesday, May 19, 2010

interviewing technique:Character RP

Cheng: Green Tie
Melinda: Little Girl in Blue
Alex: boy in purple shirt
Ding I Ling: skateboat
Mary Chuah: tongkat
Seok Binn: the mother in red dress
Elaine: the glasses
Phaik Nee: The green doll

interview technique: to gather more information of client's roleplay story or character

what i learn about the online tutorial tonight, allowing yourself to free, and no doubtful of who you are, just be in the character, go with the flow
YES, the script can't be rewrite, but the script can be recreate with new experience, new role with new environment

talking with the character, actually is working with the client's metaphor and symbolic creative imaginative space. allow client to project the value, the belief and thought about the feeling, thinking and etc

REMEMBER: not to leading the witness
meaning, when doing interview, don't overtake the role as the "character"
let the character speak by itself
leading the witness might let the client go to other way

the good question to start talk about projections:
interviewed with little Green Doll
  • How is your name come? what you would like us to call u?
  • What do you made off? where do you come from?
  • Is there any best friend in this group? If Yes, What's the best friend likes to you?
  • What have you do to make her as your best friends?
  • what is it U do that make u best friends
  • Could you tell me more about your best friend?
  • ok, you told me that you are sharing everyday, i am wondering, what you share with the little girl ? i mean what she had talked to you?

what is your name? where do you come from?
i am skateboard, local product, orange colour and people call me kay, you can call me KAY

where are you in this picture?
i am beside the boy with purple shirt. he is my master

How do you and your master likes?
my master bring me to skate, we play and have fun together every weekend

Would you like to tell me more about you and your master?
yeah, my master love to bring me out to skate when he is happy, he will bring me to new world park meet with skateboard lovers, and my master skate with friends. i meet with other's skateboard too... though i am local product, but the quality is just like the same. i didn't see my self differ with others skaeboard. sometimes, my master will bring me skate with different style, and i wondering whether i am able "fly" and "skate" with him. though my master always learn to skate with different style, but he guide me. it's fun, coz i am always outing to skate. 


it's really different when roleplay
i really need to put myself into the element, act and think like skateboard
when phaik nee asked: skateboard, how do you feel when the boy skate on you? will you feel pain?
seok binn asked: when r u practice skateboard?

i really need to think about when i do the practice, how do i feel as skateboard.
lovely group members here....
enjoying the role-play

ps: when doing  a de-role
i will stand up and moved away from pC, take a deep breath and say welcome back "X10". this is just to differentiate myreal self and my role being created
i will need to repeat the phrase: i am DING I LING, I AM NOT THE SKATEBOARD- KAY


  1. Good write up! I missed out a lot during the interview with the little doll. Thanks for putting it up!

  2. what do you think actually prevents the therapist to be able to get into a and immerse in an imaginative role? esp when therapist is helping client to go into their imaginative space.

  3. Going into role is a very fast process, just a snap of finger and we are into it. It is the skill of questioning the tricky part, most of the time we are unable to ask proper question.

  4. I'm not really follow during the online tutorial due to always drop. You all did a good job, just going into role play so fast.

  5. Phaik Nie
    Just able to write up some thought here. Hope can share what i gain from Alex sifu

    I personal think that "allowing" therapist him/herself to allow the process and let the inner child come out and "play" is much more important. just think and act like we are small toddler

    i agree with you if we are ready and allow ourself to take the role. just play it out. and we will be suprise what we are

    seok binn:
    it's OK. we work as team. ALS, we learn from each other.
    see i am left out a lot as i just came back from gov. training.

    gotta read more....

  6. As therapist, if the client has the cognitive developmental maturity you may want to follow with reflective explorative prompts in facilitating further potential insights of the client. Take out the key elements in the individual reponses and follow it further e.g.

    Could you say more of being a local product, KAY?

    This is becuase 'local' is a projected aspect is not part of the doesnt say in the picture on the skateboard "Made in Malaysia" so you can safely assume this has some unconscious significance for the individual as yet to reveal itself. (Note capitals used in KAY)

    Can you spot similar key 'projected' attributes during the personification process?

    How about the relational description used "master" what may that reflect about the unconscious projection in terms of the perceived constructs of the author?

    ...yeah, my master love to bring me out to skate when he is happy, he will bring me to new world park meet with skateboard lovers, and my master skate with friends. i meet with other's skateboard too... though i am local product, but the quality is just like the same. i didn't see my self differ with others skaeboard. sometimes, my master will bring me skate with different style, and i wondering whether i am able "fly" and "skate" with him. though my master always learn to skate with different style, but he guide me. it's fun, coz i am always outing to skate. ....

    Is there a theme you could draw from the above response? Could you see metaphors in the reponses if you don't take it as literal?

    I Ling, I sincerely apologise if it feels like I am therapising you without your permission. I was just using your responses as learning illustrations of how to do 'therapy'. I am grateful to you for providing your personal material and sharing them with us as this is the only way I could use real example to teach.
