Tuesday, June 1, 2010

reflection: 31.5.10

this is 2nd time i role play as Crest Maiden, entering the Dramatic Role Playing World.
I read the email from Alex quite late yesterday afternoon too. however, i didn't manage to preview all the messages. i manage to open the google docs and read some layout of the chracter procfile.  i received SMS from Melinda, and she asked to forward sms and asked to used CHANTANGO (sifu request) to use Chatango for 2nd role play.

 i am late to home yesterday. as i am handling a rape case till 5.15 pm. Then, preparing my casenote, and do my weekly statistic report to hand in to my managerial department. My emotion really get distracted as i am listening to my client's story. YET, i manage to put  my emotion aside, and get in to role play.

When time reached 8pm: melinda, mary and cheng clock into SKYPE. we start to have verbal discussion, to set up chatango and also make some ground rules
there is 3 rules being agree
rules #1: please used the name of character, and when start to do questionning, please specify who do you talk to, eg, if Crest maiden would like to talk to Fidget,
Crest maiden: Fidget, hi, how are you? where do you come from?

rules #2: please used bracket (  ) at the end of question to show

rule # 3: agree to stop at 9.30 pm and self de-roll to have discussion in SKYPE

while i am able to start at chatango with seok binn.

when i am in thi Dreamy Adventure, chatango chat room, as Crest maiden, i feel like my concentration is not 100%, as Elaine get stuck, i try to call her on SKYPE, but yet, her skype audio got some problem ... so i and mary try to help to asked her to click the chatango link and go into chat box.  however, Elaine unmanage to get into this chatango world. and she have urgent matters to carry out, she left with apologies.

i feel a little


  1. Wah! I don't know that got 3 rules being agreed. I forgot to online my skype last night. Put attention on Chatango. :)

  2. ...you must be feeling lost and confused.... with so many things up in the air so to speak. Put in down to part and parcel of group process. Please refrain from referring to me as a 'sifu' I do appreciate and understand that they may be terms of endearment and respect that you may wish to convey, I would rather be someone who is not given that status in relation to you all as I am conscious of the distraction in may have in being a catalyst to empowering yourself to know that you are already that which you may seek in outside of yourself. I suppose my take on this is that it resonates with the value orientation of how I see therapy and therapists. The 'answer' or 'healer' does not reside in me as their therapist, I see myself as only a 'catalyst' to the client who in time will eventually sees that it has been and always is within himself/herself. This also sits more congruently with my ideal of the 'awakening the buddha nature' that is within and development of bodhicitta. I take this to be the case for personal psychological/spiritual development and in providing a useful humanistic/existential framework in therapy.
