Friday, June 25, 2010

Thought again the Dreamy Adventure World 21.6.10

 CrestMaiden is encounter the food poisoning issues in previous Dreamy Adventure 
well, as ALS members give some feedback or comment about the poisoning part, i start to have thought again this Dreamy Adventure about what make Crest Maiden get poison?

when the journey continue again,

Crestmaiden:  start to turn around, and see who is around... felt hungry too
Exodusor:  r u hungry?
Crestmaiden:  good day....anything to eat? i start to feel hungry, ya hungry
Crestmaiden:  shaylee momo...what food u have in ur small bag there(  start to take off bag from shaylee momo)
Crestmaiden:  pluck the blue berries and taste
Crestmaiden: stomach ..........
Crestmaiden:  help .... the blue berry is rapping my leg....
(i think i am trying to say the blue berry trees is pull/drag my feet) 
Crestmaiden: Lone Ranger, don;t chew the blue berry
Crestmaiden:  i am feelings unwell, I'm start to see there is 2 lone ranger

this round, Crest Maiden feeling like want to eat in this Dreamy Adventure, and after took the blue berries, get poison

i try to google, see what's the meaning 'feeling to eat/ eating in dream" means

Eating Dream Meaning
Psychological Meaning: Freud considered the mouth, through which food enters the body, to be the primary erogenous zone. Dreams of eating are therefore closely associated with sexuality. If you dream of gorging yourself it can indicate that you have an indulgent sexuality whereas dreaming of fasting or starvation may indicate that you deny your sexual needs. Eating out at restaurants is often part of couples courting rituals. In dreams meals that have an enjoyable atmosphere reflect a confirmation of intimacy with others and good social relationships. Dreaming of eating in uncomfortable or threatening surroundings may represent frigidity and unhappiness with your relationships. An alternative explanation is that eating symbolises qualities that you are making part of yourself. For example, you may be digesting some new ideas or perhaps a problem is 'eating at you'.

i was a little bit so suprise, and felt like unable to accept what this Freudian told....
was it really???
Oh MY....

but i had found another meaning on eating
Eating food can represent:
Nourishing the body, mind, emotions, soul, or spirit
Hunger or low blood sugar while you're sleeping
Consider the food you are eating in the dream, its meaning, and how you feel about it.

o no...

and then, the sounds...

Onefoolishother:  Yes, tell us more about the sound, where does it come from....inside or outside of yourself?
Crestmaiden:  i donno ....just a sounds tells sorrow...upsad...and speechless in her voice... not sure the sounds were from outside? or inside??kind of blur... can't recall whether it is inside or outside...
Crestmaiden:  shaylee and loneranger, have u all hear the sounds like mine?
Exodusor:  can u describe the sound a bit more?
Onefoolishother:  Sorry, Crest, i am not trying to confuse you, if you listen in silence, perhaps you may be able to distinguish the two.
Onefoolishother:  The sound fo water....yes../...i hear that too...listen, something is vibrating beneath the pool, could it be the sound of Kura, the tutrle we are looking for
Crestmaiden:  is a sweetest sounds but feels like so lonely, sorrowful, and seems like wanted someone to understand and helping , iguess..if shaylee and lone ranger can't hear the sound, it come from inside
Crestmaiden:  keep silent....think to herself, how the sounds come from, and try to recall the sound
 walk to poolside, sit down at the rock, close her eyes...and try to listen again, recall what's the sounds like
Crestmaiden:  what is the sounds so sorrowful? droping tears from eyes...feels touching

what is this meant?
where is the sound? what is the sound represent? my inner voice? or what?
when OFO asked the Crest Maiden to tell about where the sound come from, Crest also not sure whether it is from inside or outside....

this is a interesting part i think i can explore more
WHat makes Crest Maiden only hearing the sad sound, and not the happy sound?
How was this connect to Crest Maiden, as she had dropes her tears? is it tears of sadness?touch?
where the sounds come from anyway?

hmm..... gotta stop now....
is a journey of transition? a dream?
and the light from the palace? what's inside there?


  1. Only Crest Maiden knows where the sound come from and she holds the answer to it, the rest is secondary.

  2. If this was my script this would be my free flowing thoughts....this does not mean it is is yours....please bear this in mind whether it is Alex or Freud... I will be thinking 'hungry' what am I hungry for, in need of, what is the 'emptiness' that I feel inside that need to be filled, it nourishment? material or psychological, basic needs, affection needs, security needs etc....'blue' and ' berries' and why stomach? function of 'stomach'? digestion, assimilation, elimination, storage etc etc rapping my leg???....feeling imbolised, stopping me from moving, slowing me down, etc etc I would want to know what blue berries motivation and make engage in a dialogue with it in active imagination and use visualisation and imagery to extend the process further. ....and so forth..
